Athletics » Section V Sportsmanship Policy

Section V Sportsmanship Policy

Red Jacket is a Yellow Card/Red Card Sportsmanship School District. If a spectator does not follow the Section V expectations listed, they will be given a warning (yellow card) or asked to leave (red card).  
The Section V Athletic Association is committed to promoting the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play at all sectional activities. We will oppose instances and activities which run counter to the best values of athletic competition in order to ensure the well being of all individual players. We will expect acceptable standards of good citizenship and proprietary with proper regard for the rights of others.

We are further committed to the belief that schools participating in sectional activities should be held responsible for the conduct of their players, coaches, faculty members, and spectators. Conduct which is detrimental to the educational value of athletic activities may be deemed just cause for the school’s reprimand, probation, suspension from a particular sport or suspension from sectional activities.
1. Participating schools will be expected to share Section V Codes of Behavior with their students and spectators in an effective manner.

2. Each participating school will be held responsible for the conduct of their players, cheerleaders, coaches, faculty and spectators.

3. Participants should be reminded that host schools have loaned us their facilities for tournament use. Any damage incurred by a host school shall be the liability of the schools using the site.

4. If a school brings spectator buses to the contest site, they will be responsible for providing adequate supervision when the buses arrive and depart.

5. Each participating school must have an appropriate number of identified supervisors at the contest site. This person (s) should report directly to the Section V site supervisor. If there is not a school representative the team’s coach will be responsible.
It is the responsibility of the spectator to:
1. Keep cheering positive. There should be no profanity or degrading language/gestures.

2. Avoid actions which offend visiting teams or individual players.

3. Show appreciation of good play by both teams.

4. Learn the rules of the game in order to be a better informed spectator.

5. Treat all visiting teams in a manner in which you would expect to be treated.

6. Accept the judgment of coaches and officials.

7. Encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of good sportsmanship.

8. Avoid the use, abuse and resulting negative influence of drugs--including alcohol and tobacco.
It is the responsibility of the student athlete to:
1. Demonstrate self control and respect for others at all times by the officials, spectators or other athletes.

2. Remember that participation in athletics is a privilege that is not to be abused by unsportsmanlike conduct.

3. Treat opponents with respect. Shake hands after the competition and congratulate them on their performance.

4. Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials.

5. Remember that improper behavior while in uniform reflects poorly upon yourself, your family, your school and your community.

6. Understand and abide by the rules and regulations of the game.

7. Accept victory with grace and defeat with dignity.

8. Remember that the use, abuse and resulting negative influence of drugs--including alcohol and tobacco--is detrimental to the game and its participants.
Check out this YouTube Sportsmanship Video made by a NYS school. The "actors" are the AD and HS Principal.