Contact Us

Here is a list of important phone numbers and email links to administration.

Manchester-Shortsville Central School District

1506 State Route 21

Shortsville, New York 14548


District Office

Christopher Barnard, Superintendent

(585) 289-2160

(585) 289-2116 - FAX


Brian Weller, Ed.D., Director of Teaching, Learning, and Accountability
(585) 289-2160
(585) 289-2116 - FAX

Red Jacket High School
Bryon George, Principal
(585) 289-3966
(585) 289-4755 - FAX
(585) 289-3968 - NURSE
(585) 289-3845 - GUIDANCE

Red Jacket Middle  School
Theresa Febrey, Interim Middle School Principal
(585) 289-3967
(585) 289-8715 - FAX
(585) 289-3968 - NURSE
(585) 289-3967 - GUIDANCE

Red Jacket Elementary School
Jeff McCarthy, Principal
(585) 289-9647
(585) 289-4499 - FAX
(585) 289-9650 - NURSE

Red Jacket Coordinator of Special Services
Karen Hall
(585) 289-3478
(585) 289-2115 - FAX

Red Jacket Business Administrator
Timothy Burns
(585) 289-3964

Bus Garage: (585) 289-3925

Business Office: (585) 289-3964