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Get Kids Moving This Summer

Summer is an opportunity for children and adolescents, free of school responsibilities, to be outside running, playing sports, swimming, biking, and being physically active. Yet, recent studies suggest that the opposite may be true, and the risk of excess weight gain over the summer is even greater, as children and adolescents spend their time on “screens”, watching TV, surfing the web, or being involved in social media. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that all children and adolescents should try to get at least 60 minutes each day of vigorous physical activity. 

When they are outside, be sure they are wearing sunscreen and a hat, and staying well-hydrated. If they are playing in or near water, please take care that they are always well-supervised. Drownings can happen in minutes when a watchful eye is turned elsewhere. If they are in an area with lots of mosquitoes, ticks, or other biting insects, it is a good idea to use a bug spray made specifically for children, and to check them for ticks when they come home. If they go to a sleep-away camp, it is helpful to check their hair and scalps for headlice which can be picked up in camp settings. 

The Centers for Disease Control has information on suggestions for parents to encourage physical activity in their children and adolescents. Have a wonderful summer, stay safe, and thank you for promoting a healthy attitude in your children this summer. For more information, please see: