Related Services
Related Services
These are developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as required to assist a student with a disability as recommended by the CSE.
The following are descriptions of some of these services:
Speech/Language Therapy: Service provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist who is responsible for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of children with communication deficits and disorders that interfere with a student’s ability to speak, understand, or use language.
Physical Therapy: Service provided by a licensed Physical Therapist (PT) who identifies the physical conditions which interfere with a student’s educational program. PTs conduct assessments of mobility skills, daily activities, positioning, posture, muscle strength, and sensory-motor performance during activities in the school environment. They may collaborate with teachers and parents to determine physical therapy goals that will allow the child to benefit from individualized instructional program.
Occupational Therapy: Service provided by a licensed Occupational Therapist (OT) who provides direct service either individually or in a small group. OTs help students to learn, re-learn, and adapt skills to be as functional as possible in their daily lives including but not limited to; school performance, self-care, and play / leisure activities.
Vision Services: Service provided by a certified teacher of the blind/visually impaired (TVI) who provide instructional support to classroom teachers and students with visual impairments. Teaching strategies, environmental modifications, Braille instruction, specifically deigned materials such as large print exams, computer adaptations, and professional development opportunities are provided.
Orientation and Mobility Services: Designed to meet the needs of students with visual impairments in mobility and orientation training in a variety of settings. A certified teacher for the blind/ visually impaired teaches strategies to help students successfully navigate through their environment.
Audiology Services: Consultation services, evaluations for hearing acuity, middle ear dysfunction, educational FM amplification, and central auditory processing disorders are included in this area.
Autism Services: Training, consultation, transition assistance, and assessments support for parents and staff working with students with autism. Strategies are shared to increase the student’s learning, communication skills, adaptive behaviors, and levels of independence.
Behavioral Support Services: Services provided for students with severe emotional and /or behavioral difficulties including mental health support, prosocial skills training, and therapeutic crisis intervention. This may include the development of a Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Plan.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: There are a variety of services offered including; Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TOD/ HH) with direct service, consult services, interpreting, sign skills coach, note taking, speech/language therapy and audiology.
Assistive Technology Services: These services offer students a variety of options to assist in the selection, acquisition, or use of assistive technology devices.
Programs and Placements
Consultant Teacher Services (CT): direct and/or indirect services provided to a student with a disability in the student’s regular education classes for a minimum of two hours per week.
Integrated Co-Teach (ICT): A special education program with one special education teacher and one general education teacher who share responsibility for the instruction of all students. A minimum of 12 students can be placed in an integrated classroom.
Resource: Resource room programs shall be for the purpose of supplementing the regular or special education instruction of students with disabilities who are in need of such supplemental programs for a minimum of three hours per week.