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The Manchester-Shortsville CSD has implemented Response to Intervention (RtI) at the K-5 grade levels and continues to offer Academic Intervention Services (AIS) at the 6-12 grade levels for students at risk of not meeting state standards or achieving proficiency on a NYS Assessment. 

We continue to utilize assessments for student placement in RtI. We benchmark with iReady for students in grades K-8, in the areas of reading and math. These online assessments are paired with instruction designed to fill gaps for students on an individual basis. The assessments are adaptive and diagnostic, reacting to student responses. This allows us to get the best measure of a student's ability and current functioning level. We also utilize the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System in grades K-5. This year we are implementing the Math Expressions program K-5 and will implement the benchmarks in September, January, and May. 

The entire District continues to implement PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports) to provide targeted/tiered interventions for students. 

Every Student Succeeds Act Information 

In the Manchester-Shortsville Central School District all schools are designated as Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS), where each receives a proportional share of Federal funding to support students who are at-risk of not achieving State Standards.