Forward Together, Pride for Tomorrow Capital Project
Exciting Opportunities for Red Jacket Schools and Our Community
We are pleased to announce that the Forward Together, Pride for Tomorrow capital improvement project has passed, marking an important step forward in our efforts to improve the educational experience for our students and strengthen the facilities for the entire Manchester-Shortsville community.
The $19,950,000 proposal was carefully developed with input from the Capital Project Committee and key community stakeholders. This plan will address several critical needs across our campus, ensuring that our facilities support the future growth of our district.
To fund the project, $4,340,000 will be drawn from the District’s reserve fund, and state aid will cover 89% of the total costs. This careful planning ensures that there will be no additional tax burden on our community.
This project will address key areas of need across our campus while building on our shared vision for the future.
Project Highlights
Student Programs
- Middle School corridor work - including courtyard and hallway configuration
- A/C Added to Elementary and Middle/High School cafeterias
- General education classroom updates
- Red Jacket Educational Center classroom updates
Safety & Security
- Enhanced security at key entrances
- Exterior storefront and door replacements
- Interior door security
Systems Upgrades
- Plumbing infrastructure - including domestic water pump system
- Electrical emergency power-generator
- Electric infrastructure
Site Enhancements
- A/C in additional classrooms
- Reconfigure the fitness center - create a more effective, safe, and accessible space
- New bleachers - main gym
- New basketball hoops - main gym
We are grateful for the continued support of our community, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact this project will have on our students, staff, and the entire district. We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of the project. For more information, please visit our website at
Together, we move Forward Together and with Pride for Tomorrow.
Scope of Project
Student Programs
- Middle School corridor work - including courtyard and hallway configuration
- A/C added to Elementary and Middle/High School cafeterias
- General education classroom updates
- Red Jacket Educational Center classroom updates
- Enhanced security at key entrances
- Exterior storefront and door replacements
- Interior door security
Systems Upgrades
- Plumbing infrastructure - including domestic water pump system
- Electrical emergency power-generator
- Electric infrastructure
Facility Upgrades
- A/C in additional classrooms
- Reconfigure the fitness center - create a more effective, safe, and accessible space
- New bleachers - main gym
- New basketball hoops - main gym
Fitness Center Reconfiguration
Capital Project Timeline
Presentation Dates
- Lions (W-11/20)
- Community Center Board-(12/3) 6:00 PM
- Lions (M-12/12)-6:30 PM
- Rotary-(12/17)-7:30 AM
- Town Hall Meeting (12/17)
- Public Library Board-(12/18)-6:30 PM
- Faculty Meetings
- ES (12/9)
- MS (12/3)
- HS (12/11)
- Student Groups-Government classes
Capital Project Committee
- Chris Barnard
- Jeff McCarthy
- Tim Burns
- Shannon Brown
- Barb Gardner
- Heather Bachman
- Matt Scheartl
- Mitch Lalik
- Sarah Huber
- Rich Vienna
- Nicole Lofton
- Matt Nolan
- Eric Keller
- SEI Design
- Watchdog
Proposition & Early Ballot Info.
Shall the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Manchester-Shortsville Central School District is hereby
authorized to undertake a capital improvement project consisting of the reconstruction and
renovation of, and the construction of improvements and upgrades to the District’s main school
building and the site thereof, including but not limited to the purchase of original furnishings,
equipment, machinery and apparatus required in connection with the purposes for which such
buildings, facilities and sites are used, all to include site, access, parking, athletic field, stadium
and playfield improvements, demolition, utility, mechanical, plumbing and electrical
improvements as well as payment of professional fees and all other necessary costs incidental to
such work, and expend therefore a total sum not to exceed $19,950,000, which is estimated to be
the total maximum cost thereof, and pay for the project by spending $3,211,473 from the Capital
Reserve Fund approved by the District’s voters in May of 2017, spending $1,128,527 from the
Capital Reserve Fund approved by the District’s voters in May of 2023, and the levy of a tax
which is hereby voted for the project in the amount of $15,610,000, subject to available state and
federal aid, which tax shall be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in
such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education and in anticipation of the
collection of such tax, bonds and notes of the District are hereby authorized to be issued at one
time, or from time to time, in the principal amount not to exceed $15,610,000 and a tax is hereby
voted to pay the principal and interest on said obligations when due.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that qualified voters of the District may obtain
applications for an absentee ballot or an early voting ballot from the office of the Clerk of the
District. Completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven days before
the election if the absentee ballot or early voting ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day
before the election, if the absentee ballot or early voting ballot is to be delivered personally to the
voter. A listing of all persons to whom an absentee ballot or early voting ballot is issued will be
available for inspection by any qualified voter in the office of the Clerk of the District between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. during each of the 5 days prior to the election, except
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and shall also be posted at the polling place at the election.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that military ballots may be applied for by qualified
voters by requesting an application from the District Clerk at (585) 289-3927 or Completed applications for military ballots must be received by
the Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 20, 2024. In a request for a military ballot
application or ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application
or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail. An individual will qualify as a
military voter if he or she (1) is a qualified voter of the State of New York, who is in actual
military service, and by reason of such military service is absent from the District on the day of
the election, or is a voter who is discharged from military service within 30 days of an election;
or (2) a spouse, parent, child, or dependent of such service member who is a qualified voter and
is absent due to accompanying or being with the military service member.