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Data Privacy & Security

The Manchester-Shortsville Central School District is dedicated to enhancing data privacy and security within our educational community. We strive to implement robust information practices and policies that empower parents with comprehensive insights while promoting efficient and effective school operations.

Parent's Bill of Rights

The purpose of the Parents’ Bill of Rights is to inform parents (which also includes legal guardians or persons in parental relation to a student, but generally not the parents of a student who is age eighteen or over) of the legal requirements regarding privacy, security and use of student data. In addition to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Education Law §2-d provides important protections for student data, and remedies for breaches of the responsibility to maintain the security and confidentiality of such data.

MSCSD Parents Bill of Rights

Additional Resources & Links

Privacy and Security for Student Data and Teacher and Principal Data

Student Records Access and Challenge - FERPA

Student Privacy Parental Access to Information and Administration of Certain Physical Examinations to Minors

2023-24 Student Data Privacy Annual Notices

MSCSD Data Privacy Agreement for Third Party Vendors

MSCSD Data Privacy Contract 23-24

District Software List

Click the below link to access an inventory/list of software used in Manchester-Shortsville CSD.

Ed Law 2D Resources
Resources developed by a partnership of the New York Regional Information Centers.

Privacy & Security Complaint Forms

Click Here to access the Red Jacket Parent Complaint Form for a Student Data Breach

NYSED Parent Complaint Form