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Welcome to Manchester-Shortsville Central School District Board of Education Frequently Asked Questions Page!

You, as a taxpayer, are a stockholder in one of the best school districts in the state. We eagerly seek your involvement in the Red Jacket schools to help us build on the vitality, strengths, and achievements of this district.

Time is set-aside during each school board meeting to hear the views of citizens, staff, and students.

Board members represent you. They want to hear your thoughts and comments to help them make decisions that reflect the needs of the community. Board members welcome all communications—written and oral.

Where does the Board meet?
The Board meets in the Red Jacket Auditorium Lobby at 1506 Route 21, Shortsville, NY, unless otherwise announced.

When does the Board meet?
The Manchester-Shortsville School Board generally conducts their regular meeting at 6:00 pm on the second Wednesday of each month.

What does the Board do in Executive Session?
During an Executive Session, the Board may discuss confidential matters such as personnel, negotiations and the sale or purchase of property. Board members do not make decisions or vote in Executive Sessions.

What is the Board's role?
The seven-member school board is responsible for providing an educational program for the district's 800 students.

The main job of the Board is to set district policy and planning priorities upon which all administrative actions are based.

Board members also are responsible for hiring the superintendent. In turn, the superintendent is responsible for carrying out Board decisions, providing educational leadership, and managing the district's budget and staff.

School Board members are elected officials and serve without pay. They do not have offices in school district buildings.

How is the Board selected?
The community elects Board members to a five-year term. Any Manchester-Shortsville Central School District resident 18 years of age or older, is a citizen of the United States, is able to read and write, and who has lived within the district for at least one year prior to the day of election may run for election. A School Board member does not have to be a taxpayer. Employees of the School District may not be a member of the Board of Education. No more than one member of a family may be a member of the same Board of Education in any school district. Individuals removed from any office of any school district within one year of the day of election may not be elected to a Board of Education.

Are there ways I can express my views?
You may:

  • Call or write a School Board member;
  • Email the Board;
  • Talk to a Board member or administrator following the Board meeting or during a break;
  • Call the superintendent's office at (585) 289-2160;
  • Write the superintendent:
    Manchester-Shortsville Central School District
    1506 Route 21
    Shortsville, NY 14548

Board of Education Guidelines for Public Comment:

Pledge of Conduct

  • The speaker understands this is a meeting of the Board of Education in a public setting, not an open public meeting and will respect that purpose.
  • The speaker will address the Board President.
  • All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any member thereof.
  • The speaker will direct all comments to issues.
  • The speaker may disagree, but will be respectful to others.

The Board provides a time for “public comment” at each meeting.  Procedures are as follows: 

  • Those wishing to address the Board must sign up in the space provided below.
  • Speakers will be called in the order in which they sign up.
  • Speakers will be given up to two (2) minutes to address the Board.
  • Additional written comments may be left with the Board Clerk.
  • Up to ten (10) speakers will be given the opportunity to address the Board.
  •  In order to effectively deal with the regularly scheduled business on the agenda, the Board will not engage in dialogue or respond to questions posed by the public.
  •  This opportunity should not be a vehicle to avoid appropriate channels of communication with teachers or administrators. It is expected that attempts to solve problems with those directly involved have been tried prior to tonight’s comments.
  • Personal attacks are inappropriate during “public comment” and will be ruled out of order by the Board President. Confidential personnel matters may only be discussed by the Board in Executive Session in accordance with the law.

Where can I get more information?
Superintendent's Office ....(585) 289-2160
Fax District Office..............(585) 289-2116