Board of Education
Board Members
James Simmons - President
Amy Walton - Vice President
Our Mission
"We will challenge all learners and work in partnership with students, parents and community to achieve high standards."
The Manchester-Shortsville Board of Education now uses BoardDocs. You can find all agendas, minutes, and policies there. If you have any questions, please contact the board clerk at (585) 289-2150.
Our Vision
Every employee of the District plays a vital role in the success of our students. Together, we will develop and maintain the highest level of ethical and professional practice, demonstrating a culture of respect, cooperation, and pride, with care and dignity for all. With uncompromising commitment in the pursuit of excellence, we will:
- Meet the unique needs of every student regardless of social advantage, race, or gender and ensure a safe learning environment in which all students acquire necessary foundational skills.
- Promote healthy habits and provide challenging, real-world learning experiences.
- Cultivate student ownership for goal-setting, learning, and citizenship by partnering with families and community groups.
- Promote a learning environment of critical thinking, creative problem-solving, self-direction and collaboration in order to maximize each student’s ability and potential to succeed in an ever-changing, highly technical and diverse world.
Interested in Running for the Board of Education?
Candidates that would like their name to appear on the ballot for the Manchester-Shortsville Board of Education must come to the Manchester-Shortsville CSD Business Office to pick up a petition. Petitions will be available in the District Clerk's office starting March 25th, 2024. Candidates must meet qualifications and submit their petition by April 22, 2024 by 5:00pm.
Twenty-five signatures are required for individuals to be placed on the May 21, 2024 ballot, and you must meet all other requirements, including applicable residency and age. To be eligible to run for a Board of Education citizens must have been a resident of the district for a continuous and uninterrupted period of 12 months, be able to read and write, and be 18 years of age.
Sworn statements of expenditures must be submitted (see below) by 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2024.
School Board members are elected with “at-large” seats meaning if there are vacant positions of different lengths, positions are filled in decreasing order of the number of votes and length of office. Thus the candidate with the highest number of votes is entitled to the position of the longest length. The following vacancies are to be filled in the upcoming election:
Names of candidates will appear in order of random drawing.